Friday, June 11, 2010

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Moving...a sweet adventure! Such excitement in the thoughts of what lies ahead. What will we see? Who will we meet? What experiences are waiting for us? We drove eight hours to Omaha yesterday. An adventure in itself as this was the first time our kitty has taken a road trip. She whined in her crate for the first twenty minutes, but soon she cuddled up and snoozed. Curiosity eventually got the best of her and she ventured out of the crate to peer out the windows. She found a comfortable home up in the corner of the rear window for a couple of hours and watched the headlights of cars and semis pass by. Sweet!

Moving...a sorrowful farewell! I left Grand Forks yesterday with tears in my eyes as I watched my town, my home, fade away in the rearview mirror. Four years of fun and friendships. How I'll miss my dear friends! Last night as I lay in bed I felt a pang of jealously rise up in my stomach, like a vine crawling up a tree, curling itself around my heart. They're lives are moving on without me. Yes, there are infinite ways to keep in touch these days, but it's not the same as seeing each other daily. And yes, my life moves on too, but I can't imagine what that looks like without these wonderful people in it daily. Sorrow!

Oh Juliet! I know what you meant when you said that!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that from this point forward I'll be reading about your life NOT in Grand Forks! It seems so surreal! Hope the long weekend of travel goes well and you can get into your new housing before our love Alex returns on Sunday night! oh how I've missed him (but I'll miss you more!)! :)
