Monday, November 1, 2010

Call Me Martha

Martha Stewart, that is.  'Cause I'm pulling out all the creative juices I can muster for the guest bedroom.  I showed you the refinished dresser I found at a used furniture store.  I loved the finished product, but I'm learning that making a house feel like a home means each room should have a comfortable, lived-in quality that makes you want to spend time in it.  In short, one piece of furniture isn't gonna make the room.  You need layers, color, texture, etc.

(How fitting that as I type this GMA is featuring designer Jonathan Adler in a segment about creating happy spaces in your home.  I look for inspiration from anything, anyone, or anywhere.  This guy rocks.)

So I was thinking about texture in the guest bedroom.  What could I do?  I was fishing around on some design blogs and got an idea.  Here's what I created.

Can you guess what it is?  

I searched high and low for texture.  Fabric stores, retail stores.  You name it, I went there!  

In the end, the fabric came from a very unlikely source.

But once I got the fabric, this project took no time at all.  Grabbed my staple gun, some foam and quilter's batting and got to work.

Yep, it's a shower curtain.  Why?  Because I couldn't find anything I liked in stock at the fabric and retail stores, and I didn't have time to order and wait for the fabric I did like.  Besides, I think this looks kinda nice all finished.  It'll be even better once I attach it to the bed. :)  Hello, big hotel-like headboard!

Granted, this is a basic exercise in texture, but you get the point.  Right?  Just call me Martha.

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