I must say that during our house sitting adventures I was thrilled to have a full kitchen at my fingertips. I most definitely made use of it. And you know I was barefoot the whole time. And wearing a bathing suit. Because I could jump in the pool while my concoctions simmered, sauteed, grilled, or baked.
I made stir fry, pizza, salsa, pancakes, cupcakes, and strawberry shortcake (without the twist). Most of it from scratch. The best thing I made? Lord have mercy! It was this:
Yes, the biscuits are well done, but not burnt (trials of cooking in an unknown oven for the first time). But it didn't even matter. They were firm on the outside (not crunchy) and so soft on the inside! It was like biting into a strawberry soaked, sweet pillow of tasty goodness! And how can you go wrong with homemade whipped cream. Don't hate on me Cool Whip lovers! You just can't top the creamy fullness of the homemade variety.
Summer is coming to a close, but it's not too late to try this delectable dessert. And I wouldn't mind trying it with the twist of balsamic vinegar, but it'll have to be when the hubby's not around. At the very least, you must go to Tasty Kitchen and browse the endless culinary wonders of this cooking community! If I ever get my act together I will share some of my own recipes on this site. Go forth! Fill your bellies with deliciousness!
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