Monday, January 25, 2010

"Brett" Pulled Through!

No, not Brett Favre (I live in Vikings country). Today we had a snow day. Winter storm "Brett" was almost a no show. We were under a warning starting Friday at 6pm through Monday at 6am. Saturday morning I woke to about two or three inches of new, wet snow. Enough to snow blow, but nothing fantastic. Certainly not worthy of a snow day. Almost nothing happened on Sunday, other than flurries here and there. By Sunday night I was gearing up to go back to work as usual. As I went to bed around 10pm, I noticed the wind had picked up. Still.....not enough for a snow day. Then, I woke this morning to a phone call from the school district saying school was canceled. I looked outside and was shocked to see large snow drifts in my yard and on the street. The wind was howling!

Here's the crazy thing about North Dakota. You can have the slightest bit of snow on the ground, but when the wind picks up it's all over. No travel advisories, snow days, the works! The air base was even under "Red" road conditions. In other words, no one's allowed to drive over 10 mph. Not like you could if you wanted to. The drifts are pretty deep. I guess that's to be expected when the wind gusts were over 50 mph. Sadly, I didn't get outside to take a picture for fear I'd blow away! Here's a mental picture for you. We have a four foot fence in our back yard for Alley. Today, she could easily walk over the top of the fence to the other side. She won't because she's afraid of falling in deep snow, but she could.

So with the free day off I finished my nursing school application, did three loads of laundry, one load of dishes, and vacuumed the whole house and the furniture because Alley and Frosty have been cuddling on the couch with me. They miss their daddy! So do I, though I'm bitter he's in sunny, warm Texas. Though I enjoyed the productive day off, the weather sure makes me ready to move. Our wish list includes many warm places! :)

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