Tuesday, June 29, 2010


That's how I feel about returning to yoga. I used to practice at least twice a week and teach it, but a running injury last year around the 4th of July put me out for several weeks. By the time I was able to return to regular exercise we had moved from our house in town to the new house on base. There were no yoga classes for me to attend on base and because I had fallen out of practice it was easy for me to justify not spending the time to drive to town for class. I had resolved to take up practicing for the new year, but then I got on the nursing bandwagon and started taking classes at night. Blah, blah, blah.

No excuses this summer. I have NOTHING else to do. This weekend I attended a yoga class at one of the fitness centers on this base. It was good. Not what I expected. I would imagine it's probably more of a PiYo class (Pilates/Yoga hybrid), but I've never taken an official PiYo class so I'm not sure. My point is that getting even a little taste of what I used to do was all I needed to kick my arse into gear!

Today I woke up early and went to the gym. If classes are not scheduled in the group fitness room anyone is welcome to use it. I realized I would be sharing the room with others who could care less about yoga and may think I'm a Mother Earth-loving, tree-hugging yogi, but I didn't care. I knew they'd hear my deep breathing and think "Darth Vader", but I was okay with that. I was excited and happy to give my body what it's been craving for the last 11 months.

So I began my practice and here's what it went like in my head:

"I'm having trouble focusing. I wish it were more quiet. Seriously dude, your workout partner is right next to you. He'll still hear you if you speak softly." I focus my eyes on a spot on the floor in front of me and begin to zone out.

"Aahh. That's better. Inhale, arms up. Exhale, swan dive. Oh yeah, this is good. Nice job body. You haven't forgotten. Slow, graceful. Watch your breathing. Inhale, up dog. Exhale, down dog. Five deep br...what the? Another group? Yep! That's my derriere in the air. Well don't get whiplash, dude. It's not that big and scary! Whatever. Just ignore." Once again I focus on the floor and zone out for a while.

"Okay, time for balancing. Hmm. They're gonna think I'm a freak. Oh well. No point in stopping now. Okay, tree pose. Ummm....helloooo! Get your head off my mat, dude! There are three other walls you could use that aren't nearly as close to me. Oh, I see! Sit ups with a foot bar. Damn! Oh well, keep going. At least you're here doing something. Doesn't have to be perf....Are you kidding me? Where are all these people coming from? How many people have a fitness test today? Alright, I'm done. At least I did something."

At this point the 20 or so people in their fitness uniforms face the front to listen to the test directions and watch a demonstration of the proper way to execute a push up. I am all of a sudden front and center and can't put my shoes on or roll up my mat fast enough. I quietly say, "excuse me", my eyes darting to the floor while my cheeks flame red, and cut through the group to get to the door. As I leave I ask the front desk if the room is supposed to be reserved for fitness testing. He tells me yes, but when I called before going, the desk clerk I talked to didn't mention testing. Makes no difference really. It's a base facility, therefore active duty members get priority. Thankfully, the desk clerk I'm talking to now says I can use the racquetball court that's awaiting floor repairs.

Let me tell you, it was PERFECT! The room was so warm and quiet. And the floor repairs? Three or four floor planks that were damaged back in the corner. Didn't affect me at all. I finished my practice and it went something like this in my head:


The best part? The guy says I can use that court any time I want to! He doesn't see floor repairs happening for some time. Bad for racquetballers, good for this yogi! Definitely rejuvenated!

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